
Components of Assessment:

Lecture Component (65%)

  • Quizzes 15%
  • Video/Article Summaries 30%
  • Final Reflection 20%

Lab Component (35%)

  • Specific Components Defined by the Instructor of the Lab on the Lab Syllabus

Quizzes (Weekly; In-Class Group Assignment; Homework Individual Assignment)

Each week there will be a short quiz to ensure that you have completed weekly the readings/videos and understood the concepts delivered in lecture.

Video/Article Summaries (3 Due Throughout the Term Before 05/15)

The course website lists selections of moderate length videos (~20-60 minutes) and articles for each content unit. These were selected to build on the content of the classroom lecture and discussion, and bring in associated connections that might be of interest to you. 

Over the semester, select three of these articles/videos and write a brief (two paragraph) summary of the key ideas and how they connect to and/or expand on, the content delivered in class. These summaries may be submitted at any time throughout the semester these based on which subjects interest you, and the complexities of your personal schedules across the term. However, a summary cannot be submitted prior to the related class lectures. The absolute final date of submission of the summaries in May 15.

Final Reflection on Personal Impacts of the Geosciences
(Individual Assignment; Due May 22)

At the end of the course, you will reflect upon the content of the course and how aspects of the geosciences impact you, or those close to you. In 2-to-3-pages, you will summarize the issue and its scientific basis, how it has (or could) affect you directly, and how you might respond differently after being better informed about the issue. Examples of topics might include, but are not limited to, living in a potential flood zone; experiencing a hurricane, eruption, or earthquake; environmental injustice; overdependence on resources; anxiety about our environmental future.

Extra Credit

Extra credit may be earned throughout the term by identifying course-related current events in mass media, providing a link (or copy), and a brief (one paragraph) summary on the course Blackboard. Note that there can be no duplication of prior posts by other students in the class. Up to five postings are permitted with a credit of one point each. 

All extra credit submissions must be completed by 05/15. No requests for extra credit will be approved after 05/15.

Notes on Assessment:

  • Students are encouraged to work together on all labs and assignments. However, each student must submit assignments that are drafted independently. Plagiarized assignments will receive a score of zero. Repeated plagiarism will result in academic penalties.
  • Quizzes will allow for one redo to improve your score
  • The grading scheme for the course will be:
    • A+ >95
    • A 85-95
    • A- 80-85
    • B- to B+ 70-80
    • C- to C+ 60-70
    • D- to D+ 50-60
    • F <50