EESC 1010, Spring 2023

General Information

Class Time:
Monday 2:15-3:55 AM (Lecture) (Beginning Jan 30)
Wednesday 9:05-11:35 AM (Lab) (Beginning Jan 25)

In-Person with Additional Online Resources

4239 Ingersoll Hall

Required Text
Lecture: No-Cost OER (see Schedule page for all material)
Lab: The Dynamic Earth Lab Manual

Click here to download the full Word document.

Overarching Goal of the Course

Appreciate the many ways in which the geosciences play critical roles in society, as well as your individual lives. 

Expected Learning Objectives

By the end of EESC 1010 students will be able to do the following:

  1. Describe how aspects of the geosciences directly affect society on a local, national, and global scale
  2. Describe how humans affect the Earth system
  3. Describe how geoscience issues affect you directly
  4. Recognize the frequent occurrence of geoscience concepts reported in mass media
  5. Describe the principles behind fundamental concepts in the geosciences: plate tectonics, volcanism, natural resource formation, climate, and geological time.